
Ukrainian millionaire: I asked military to bomb my house

Tank silhouette in battlefield at dawn

(NewsNation) — Ukrainian millionaire Andrey Stavnitser was more than happy to destroy the very thing so many of his Russian counterparts are grieving over losing.

Stavnitser, the CEO of a Ukrainian IT company, told Good Morning Britain that he asked the Ukrainian military to bomb his house once he realized that Russian forces invaded.

The millionaire spent a lot of time and money building his dream house, which is on the outskirts of Kyiv, but he fled to Poland when the war started.

The Russians had destroyed all of the webcams around his home, except for one — which is how he discovered that they were invading.

“There were 12 military vehicles on my territory, including rocket launchers, grenades, and (a) tornado” rocket launcher, Stavnitser told GMB.

“They were basically starting to shoot at Kyiv from my house.”

Stavnitser then contacted the Ukrainian military, gave them the precise coordinates of his home and asked them to bomb it into the Stone Age.

Stavnitser said it was an obvious decision because “there is not a lot you can do to help the military and that was one of the opportunities that I had.”

Stavnitser shared his story on Facebook, saying “it’s easy to restore the walls, it’s harder to restore justice.”

“P.S. friends, stop praising me, please — I didn’t hit them with my bare hands. … The real heroes are only Ukrainian soldiers.”