
Firefighting tradition continues on through 4 generations

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (KCAU) — If you page through a Sioux City Fire Rescue history book, there’s a good chance you could come across the name “Trobaugh.”

Sioux City Fire Rescue recently added three new firefighters to the department. The trio graduated from probationary status to full-time firefighters. For the Trobaugh family, though, the day’s activities had special meaning.

23-year-old Dominic Trobaugh is now part of the fourth generation of Trobaughs in the fire department, a family tradition that started with a father-son porch chat back in 1975.

“He reminded me they were talking the entry exam for SC fire department,” Steven Trobaugh, Dominic’s grandfather, said. “He said it’s a great job. Go see what happens.”

Steven joined the department two years later in 1977, some 27 years after his father Ernest “Gene” Trobaugh signed on to fight fires.

“My dad was the guy in the neighborhood who everyone came to for help,” Steven said.

Gene’s days fighting fires finished with his retirement in 1980. While it was the end of one Trobaugh’s service, it wasn’t the end for the family’s.

“When you grow up around firefighters, I think it’s in your blood,” Steven said. “It’s part of your life.”

And it was indeed Steven’s life for 34 years before retiring in 2011.

“I remember thinking, is dad in that engine?” Steven’s son and Dominic’s dad Derek said. “Is dad in that truck? And always wondering what’s going on.”

In 2006, Derek would find out for himself. The Sioux City East graduate added a third branch to the Trobaugh’s firefighting tree.

“I remember coming here when I was young,” he said. “Just walking into the department and having the opportunity to sit in the rigs and to have the pride in the fact that your dad has the ability to do something special. ‘My dad’s a firefighter.’ That’s a big deal when you’re a kid.”

Much has changed since Derek’s grandfather joined the department, but like the men before him, he too calls station #4 home – at least while on the job.

“It’s hard on your families,” Derek said. “A third of your life, you’re gone.”

Dominic’s pinning extends a firefighting pedigree that has endured for 74 years and counting.

“I’ve got a picture from when he was six years old,” Derek said. “‘I want to be a firefighter when I grow up.'”

“From those early years I always knew it was a dream of mine to do what my dad did and what my grandpa did,” Dominic said.

Dominic didn’t waste any time preparing.

“We were training for the firefighter challenge,” Derek said, “and for like, the next two months after that, every time I’d go out in the backyard.”

“Grabbed the hose, put it on over my shoulder, ran down and back as fast as I could,” Dominic said. “Pretty sure I had a fire helmet on as well.”

With a one-year probation complete, Dominic is what’s called a “floater.” His shifts spread across all Sioux City fire stations. His hope is to someday be assigned to station #4, just like the Trobaughs who came before him.

“I can’t say enough how much pride I have for dad and Dominic to be in the situation we’re in and share together,” Derek said.

“Now we have lunch and talk about the fire department and now I get to call him brother,” Steven said.

“Now that I’m in it, I couldn’t see myself doing anything else,” Dominic said. “I get to carry on my family tradition and keep the four generations going strong. Definitely something I’m proud of.”

Of course, NewsNation affiliate KCAU had to ask about the possibility of a fifth generation of Trobaughs in the department. As it turns out, Dominic is getting married this summer. He said that when the day comes, he would gladly support a son or daughter should they look to continue the family’s tradition of firefighting.