
Read the full report: NewsNation’s survey about holiday crime

(NewsNation Now) — Below are the full results of a Dec. 9 NewsNation survey commissioned through Decision Desk HQ. The survey is part of NewsNation’s weeklong series getting the facts around holiday crime concerns.

The NewsNation survey asked 1,166 registered voters across the country about their attitudes toward crime during the holiday season. The poll was performed using an online voter panel. Margins of error vary per question because the number of people who answered each question is different (click here to learn more about why margin of error matters).

Read NewsNation’s report on this survey here. Read the results for yourself below.

Question 1: Do you think that things in our country are headed in the right direction, or do you think that things are headed on the wrong track? (margin of error: 2.9%)                     

Question 2: Have you done any in-person shopping for the holiday season? (margin of error: 2.9%)

Question 3: Which of the following reasons make you less likely to shop in person this year (select all that apply)? (Answered only by those from Question 2 who said they don’t plan to shop in person, margin of error: 6.3%)                                 

Question 4: Have you heard about recent smash-and-grab robberies at malls and retail stores? (margin of error 2.5%)                                  

Question 5: Have recent headlines about retail theft made you feel less safe shopping in person this holiday season, more safe or have they not had an impact either way? (Answered only by those from Question 4 who have heard of smash-and-grab robberies, margin of error: 3.3%)                                 

Question 6: In terms of crime, compared to past holiday seasons do you feel more safe shopping in person, less safe, or has there not been an impact either way? (Answered only by those from Question 4 who have not heard of smash-and-grab robberies, margin of error: 5.6%)

Question 7: Do you think current laws and sentencing guidelines around theft are too soft, too strong or about right? (margin of error: 2.8%)                                         

Question 8: Do you think suspects in smash-and-grab retail thefts should be released without bail while awaiting trial? (margin of error: 2.3%)                              

Question 9: Have you been a victim of “porch pirates” — thieves who steal shipped packages from your front door when they are dropped off? (margin of error: 2.9%)                                           

Question 10: When thinking about the crime issues we have asked about, do you think they are a problem in your local community, in the country as a whole or neither? (margin of error: 2.9%)                      

Question 11: Which of the following proposals do you think would best address crime in your community? (margin of error: 2.7%)

Question 12: Do you approve or disapprove of the job your lawmakers are doing in addressing crime? (margin of error: 2.6%)

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