
YouTuber in court after allegedly violating order filed by mother of Sebastian Rogers

SUMNER COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — A missing Sumner County teen’s parents were in court Tuesday, but the hearing did not offer any progress in the continued search for their son.

Sebastian Rogers disappeared in February from his family’s home in Hendersonville.

His family was in court for a YouTuber by the name of ‘Bullhorn Betty’, who is accused of harassing and stalking Sebastian’s mom and step-grandparents.

The courtroom was split into two sides. A News 2 crew was inside the courtroom and observed the YouTuber and Sebastian’s biological father, Seth Rogers, on one side. Meanwhile, the missing teen’s mother and stepfather, Katie Proudfoot and Chris Proudfoot, and step grandparents were on the other side.

In the original temporary order of protection, Terry Sr. Bowersox, Sebastian’s step-grandparent, wrote that Andra Griffin, also known as ‘Bullhorn Betty,’ “goes online and incites others to create mayhem in our lives, and our family. [She] encourages violence by posting pictures of our home and address online.”

His spouse, Mattie Bowersox, added in her order of protection that Griffin “threatened to purchase a gun in Tennessee and bring that gun to my home in order to ‘get answers.'”

Katie Proudfoot wrote in her temporary order of protection that her goal is to have Griffin stop encouraging “others to stalk on her behalf and encourage others to spread false allegations/misinformation in regards to my missing son Sebastian Rogers.”

All three orders of protection are active and ban Griffin from having any contact with them directly or indirectly.

Court documents claim the YouTuber violated the three separate orders of protection.

The three subpoenas claim that she violated the terms of the order in August by going on her YouTube livestream and talking about the family.

She allegedly said in two separate livestreams that she planned to sue the Proudfoots and Bowersoxs.

Seth said Griffin is only trying to help find his son.

“We have a detective that was apt about having somebody arrested that is using their voice and their platform to get my son’s name out there, and they want to infringe upon her First Amendment rights,” Seth explained. “I am a deputy sheriff. That person is a deputy sheriff; the Constitution is what we are supposed to stand and back upon. You know, not to trample upon it. It really upsets me that they are limiting one person’s voice, yet that person’s voice is helping find Sebastian. They are not.”

“She doesn’t break down from pressure,” he added.

Seth said that he hopes her First Amendment rights are addressed in court.

The brief hearing ended Tuesday with the judge saying the matters would be heard on Thursday, October 10.

“We are very happy with where this case is headed,” said Tony Mathis, spokesperson for Seth Rogers. “The great thing about America is that the burden of proof is on the petitioner, not the respondent. We know the facts.”

“She did not ever step on private property, she did not ever follow or harass anybody, and those facts will come out in court,” Mathis added.

Seth told News 2 it was frustrating to sit in a courtroom while his son is still missing.

“Oh, it is extremely frustrating that I have to come here to support somebody, which I don’t mind coming to support somebody that is supporting my goal of finding my son, but the fact that I have to come here because two people, four people, I’m sorry, want to put a restraining order against somebody who is just trying to find my son and yet Sebastian is supposed to be her son as well,” Seth explained.

He added that he feels there has been a lack of communication and effort from law enforcement in the search for his son.

“Time is being wasted that could be looking for my son,” Seth said. “Sumner County is stating that they have one detective on this case. And it has been the same detective on this case since the very beginning. He doesn’t work around the clock, he doesn’t work on weekends. I do, though, because he is my son.”

“One detective on the case isn’t enough,” Seth concluded. “Sumner County, they are not doing what needs to be done.”

News 2 contacted the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office for a statement. They replied, “It’s an active, ongoing investigation.”