
KFC testing chicken nuggets in new fast food showdown

(NewsNation) — It looks like chicken nuggets could be the next big competitive war in fast food.

Nuggets have long been one of the top sellers at places like McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Chic-fil-a, but now other big chicken chains are vying for the golden nugget market.

KFC is testing nuggets on its menu in Charlotte, North Carolina, for a limited time. If the launch goes well, the restaurant has plans to replace its popcorn chicken with the nuggets at all stores, Yahoo! Finance reported.

There are good reasons to throw those poultry gloves on. According to Industry Statistics, the U.S. fast food chicken market has been growing at nearly 5% annually and is expected to draw $40 billion in revenue this year.

Danny Klein, editorial director of Food News Media, joined NewsNation’s “Rush Hour” on Monday to discuss what’s behind the newest chicken craze.

“When you have a big brand launch something and get a lot of attention everybody is probably going to follow suit to a degree,” Klein said. “You’re probably seeing a little bit of that now.”

Boston Market also announced it was rolling out chicken nuggets on its menus, but roasted instead of fried. The restaurant pitched the nuggets as a healthier option that doesn’t exist in the market.

KFC said with its launch of nuggets it hopes to expose younger consumers to its original Colonel Sanders recipe with 11 herbs and spices.

“It allows them to take their signature product and put in a different form, maybe one that’s more recognizable for a younger generation,” Klein said. “It’s being looked at two ways — we can attract a new base with and we still showcase what we’re known for.”