
YOUR VOTE: Who won the first presidential debate?

This combination of pictures created on September 29, 2020 shows US President Donald Trump (L) and Democratic Presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden squaring off during the first presidential debate at the Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio on September 29, 2020. (Photos by JIM WATSON and SAUL LOEB / AFP)

Who won the first presidential debate? NewsNation asked for your input.

After the two candidates went head-to-head in Tuesday’s debate in Cleveland moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, NewsNation asked viewers to participate in a poll.

Biden and Trump debated a variety of topics: the candidate’s recordsthe coronavirus pandemicthe economyrace and violenceSupreme Court vacancyclimate change and election integrity.

Roughly 61% of NewsNation poll participants answered that President Donald Trump won the debate, while 33% voted for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

About 5% voted that the two candidates tied.

More than 5,100 votes were cast in NewsNation’s poll by the end of Tuesday night.

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