
GOP lawmakers investigate Hunter Biden’s alleged ties with China

(NewsNation) — As Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Moscow for a summit, U.S. lawmakers are drawing attention to alleged ties between the Biden family and China.

Jinping’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin has been labeled a mission of peace, with the Chinese leader stating the goal is to work toward peace between Russia and Ukraine. But U.S. officials have been critical of those claims, stating China is still weighing whether or not to provide weapons to Russia, which would fuel the ongoing war.

Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers are pursing an investigation into what they say are improper ties between the Biden family and China, through Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

Republicans have claimed Hunter Biden improperly profited from his father, President Joe Biden’s, name and connections. House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer has subpoenaed financial records for Hunter Biden’s business associates and is seeking witness testimony from at least one of those associates.

A spokesperson for Hunter Biden’s legal team released the following statement:

“Here we go again as Rep. Comer takes something old and tries to make it new by wrapping it in a wild and baseless right-wing conspiracy. Hunter Biden, a private citizen with every right to pursue his own business endeavors, joined several business partners in seeking a joint venture with a privately-owned, legitimate energy company in China. As part of that joint venture, Hunter received his portion of good faith seed funds which he shared with his uncle, James Biden, and Hallie Biden, with whom he was involved with at the time, and sharing expenses. The accounts so dramatically listed by Rep. Comer belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie — nobody else.” 

The investigation involves the purchase of a cobalt mine by China. Republicans claim a firm linked to Hunter Biden facilitated the deal, which transferred the mine from American to Chinese hands. Biden was vice president at the time the sale was completed.

The American mining company involved in the deal told Axios that Hunter Biden’s consulting firm did not play a role in the sale and only became involved after they had already sold China a controlling share.

In a statement, the White House pushed back against Comer’s inclusion of Hallie Biden, widow of Beau Biden, in the investigation.

“After a disgusting attack lamenting that the President’s deceased son Beau was never prosecuted while he was alive, Congressman Comer has now decided to go after Beau’s widow. Instead of bizarrely attacking the President’s family, perhaps House Republicans should focus on working with the President to deliver results for American families on important priorities like lowering costs and strengthening health care,” the statement read.