
Kennedy tops list of former presidents with 90% approval

381091 23: President John F. Kennedy laughs during a press conference August 9, 1963. (Photo by National Archive/Newsmakers)

(NewsNation) — Former President John F. Kennedy has a retrospective approval rating of 90%, the highest among former presidents.

Gallup found the majority of former presidents are regarded positively, with just two exceptions. Former presidents Richard Nixon and Donald Trump, both of whom faced accusations of criminal activity and were subject to impeachment investigations. While former President Bill Clinton faced similar challenges, he maintained a positive approval rating, though Gallup did find it slipped from previous retrospective surveys.

Kennedy’s approval rating sounds astoundingly high, particularly when compared to President Joe Biden’s current approval rating of 40%. But Gallup found most presidents’ approval ratings increased after they left office, in most cases continuing to grow as time passed.

Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 almost certainly influences people’s perception of him in history. Gallup found he was unique in holding high approval ratings from voters in both parties. But when he was in office, JFK didn’t have anywhere near that level of support.

In October of 1963, a month before he was killed, only 59% of Americans approved of the job he was doing. Racial issues were at the center of attention during the time period, as the Civil Rights Movement gained strength. Kennedy’s role in integrating schools and his support for the Civil Rights Act both hurt his popularity, especially among voters in the South.

Still, Kennedy left office with higher approval ratings than other presidents. In their final terms, former Presidents Jimmy Carter, G.W. Bush, Trump and Nixon all held approval ratings lower than the 40% Biden currently holds.

Still, that doesn’t mean voters are enthused about the possibility of another Biden term or a Trump-Biden rematch. Recent polling from NewsNation and Decision Desk HQ found nearly half of Americans would consider a third-party candidate if the 2024 race came down to the same two candidates as 2020.

While Trump faces a number of challengers for the GOP nomination, Biden’s only challengers are Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Both Trump and Biden are leading the races for their respective primaries, making a 2020 rematch a very real possibility.