
Michigan mom rips Biden for laughing off blame for sons’ deaths

(NewsNation) — Rebecca Kiessling wants an apology from President Joe Biden after he laughed off the inaccurate claim that his administration was responsible for the deaths of her two sons, who died of fentanyl overdoses in 2020.

“I never thought I would be texting the words that “I can’t believe the President is mocking the death of my sons.” I mean, everything is just surreal,” said Kiessling on “NewsNation Prime.”

In a Facebook post, Kiessling responded to Biden’s “chuckle” while referencing her sons, saying, “He owes me an apology, along with all of the parents whose children DID die under his watch.”

Kiessling, a pro-life activist and political operative, shared her story at last week’s House Homeland Security Committee, testifying about the dangers of fentanyl coming across the southern border.

Kiessling’s two sons, Caleb, 20, and Tyler, 18, died two years ago after taking fentanyl pills disguised as Percocet. Since their deaths, the CDC has reported a 15% increase in fentanyl deaths from 2020 to 2021.

“This is a war! Act like it. Do something!” Kiessling said on Capital Hill in front of the Homeland Security Committee. Her testimony reflected House Republicans’ position that the fentanyl crisis is a direct result of the border crisis.

Local law enforcement in Arizona have agreed, arguing that the federal government isn’t doing enough to prevent fentanyl deaths.

“(Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro) Mayorkas was lying when he said he had operational control of the border and the fentanyl that is killing Americans,” said committee chair Rep. Mark Green (R) of Tennessee. “Let me be clear: Mayorkas lied and Americans are dying.”