
Sen. Ron Johnson lays blame for parade tragedy on ‘the left’

(NewsNation Now) — Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., a guest on Monday’s “The Donlon Report,” noted the horror of Sunday’s Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy — and had some very pointed comments about what he believes is to blame.

Waukesha police say Darrell Brooks Jr. who has had numerous run-ins with the law, drove his SUV straight into parade participants Sunday, killing at least five people and injuring 48.

The tragedy “never … should have … happened,” Johnson told host Joe Donlon. “This is the result of a criminal justice system in Milwaukee that is out of control. And it’s spilling over into more law-abiding communities. … “(Brooks) should have been in jail. He probably should have been in jail years ago.”

“The left is the political ideology that is for lawlessness, that is for no-bail policies, that just let people out in the street. … We’re getting very permissive. The permissiveness comes from the left.

“It’s a horrific tragedy, not only the loss of life, the injuries, all the family members associated with those victims,” Johnson said. “Can you imagine just attending that parade, looking forward to seeing Santa Claus and the marching bands and the Dancing Grannies, and then you see something just horrific like that? You’ll never get that out of your mind for as long as you live.”

Pressed by Donlon on whether the GOP itself has added to societal problems with overheated rhetoric, specifically citing a recent video from Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Az., that depicted him slaying Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Johnson responded, “There’s problems on all sides, but in general, this comes from the left.”

Donlon also asked Johnson if he had made a decision about running for reelection next year.

“There are many factors and many people I need to talk with before I make that decision. … my decision will come within the next few weeks.”