
Video: Migrants use rope to scale border wall

NACO, Ariz. (NewsNation) — Amid the surge in migrants crossing the southern border, NewsNation’s Border Report team captured the moment two migrants crossed a border wall in Naco.

In the NewsNation exclusive video, one man can be seen using a rope to scale down the wall, which has areas covered in concertina wire, while a guide uses binoculars to watch from the top of the wall.

There’s also a guide on the ground assisting migrants up a ladder to cross the wall and is also communicating with the migrants once they get across.

NewsNation’s Border Report team didn’t see any Border Patrol agents near the area.

It appears that these migrants will likely become “gotaways,” or known migrants who have eluded officials.

The Department of Homeland Security said more than 570,000 gotaways have been tallied this year.