
Israelis ‘will be rattled’ but will ‘push back,’ expert says

(NewsNation) — The ideology within Gaza is a binding force that won’t be easily broken, said Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the former assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs.

“No one has been able to figure out how to destroy a terrorist ideology even after you destroy the terrorists themselves,” Kimmitt said.

Saturday’s attacks were carried out on Simchat Torah, a day of celebration on the Jewish calendar.

Although Kimmitt expects to see a military victory inside Gaza, he’s not as certain about bringing an “end to the ideology that binds” them together.

“The Israelis will be rattled for a few days, and then they’ll get their feet underneath them and they will push back on the Palestinians the way they pushed back and destroyed the Egyptian army in a massive defeat,” Kimmitt said.