Everyone is a pundit these days, so we’re giving our viewers the chance to actually be one on “Dan Abrams Live.”  

Viewers will get a chance to join Dan as a guest live on the show and offer their take on the day’s biggest stories — or try to prove him wrong. 

So, if you’re someone who regularly talks to the person on TV, here’s your shot at getting a real response. All we ask is you keep things civil and make sure you’re available while “Dan Abrams Live” is on the air from 8-9 p.m. ET.

Here’s how you can submit your name to join “Dan Abrams Live” as a guest:

  1. Fill out the form below
  2. Watch for a response from a “Dan Abrams Live” producer
  3. If they invite you to join the show, you’ll need to download and install Zoom on your device
  4. Sign in at the right time and join the live broadcast