INDIANAPOLIS — Illegal dumping is becoming a major problem in Indianapolis.
The problem has gotten so bad that the Indianapolis Department of Public Works is launching a new initiative to combat the issue.
“We have noticed an uptick in illegal dumping across the entire city,” said Corey Ohlenkamp with DPW. “It’s not just one specific area. We’re noticing it across most of Indianapolis. Illegal dumping really isn’t just something that’s an eyesore, it’s a lot of problems. For one, we’ve got to get additional crews out to mitigate that, it’s expensive for both private landowners that have illegal dumping on their property, it’s expensive for the city to take care of, and overall, it’s just not being a good neighbor.”
From abandoned mattresses and couches, to piles of trash. Some Indy residents we talked to Wednesday said the illegal dumping problem is becoming an eyesore.
“It really is out of hand,” said Indy resident Constance Brown. “Everywhere downtown, I mean there are bags of trash that maybe should have gone to recycling or maybe they are just trash and people don’t have a place to put it.”
Photos of the issue, gathered by FOX59/CBS4 staff, can be seen below:

One person living in the Fountain Square neighborhood, who was too afraid to go on camera, told FOX59/CBS4 the pile of trash near his home was cleaned up by the city only a day a little more than a day ago, and now more trash is already back.
It’s situations like that that are exactly why DPW is launching an entire campaign to stop the problem. launching new fliers on social media and around town.
DPW spoke first exclusively to FOX59/CBS4’s Jenny Dreasler about the issue Wednesday afternoon.
“With this awareness campaign, we’re really trying to help folks understand, what illegal dumping is, that it is illegal, you can be fined for it,” said Corey Ohlenkamp with DPW. “And how to process your trash in a legal and manner that’s going to be more helpful towards the rest of the residents in the neighborhood.”
Ohlenkamp says so far this year, the mayor’s action center has filed 7,122 cases for illegal dumping.
That’s almost 600 reports a month.
If you’re caught illegally dumping you can face fines of up to $2,500.
Officials with DPW fear the illegal dumping issue will only get worse with Christmas right around the corner.”
“We know during the winter months, especially around Christmastime, is when everyone gets additional boxes, you’ve got those stacks of Amazon boxes and Christmas present boxes that everyone wants to dispose of so we know that our recycling facilities get to be to the maximum, and that’s when illegal dumping can occur, folks put stuff where they’re not supposed to,” said Ohlenkamp.
DPW says they are looking to add more recycling locations to curb the problem and they hope the new campaign will remind indy residents to stop the dumping.
DPW says there are things you can do to help keep the city clean. For more information, look at the graphics below or scroll further for recycling and trash drop-off solutions.
Citizen’s Transfer Center:
You can drop trash off at the citizens transfer center at 2324 S. Belmont Avenue.
The fee is $2 per carload and $5 for an SUV/or pickup truck load.
The center is cash only and open Saturdays 8am – 4pm.
Heavy Trash/Trash Day:
On your heavy trash pickup day, you can place up to two heavy trash items on the curb next to your trash cart for collection. Find your pickup day by selecting the green “Get Started” button above. If the items are not acceptable for pickup, your service provider will notify you with a tag that explains how to meet the pickup requirements.
Heavy trash generally consists of bulky items that would not fit into your trash cart. Common items include:
- Appliances without Freon, such as a stove or water heater (for appliances with Freon, contact the Mayor’s Action Center to arrange pickup)
- Automobile tires mounted on their rims/wheels
- Box springs (Residents in areas served by Republic Services must completely wrap mattresses and box springs in plastic before leaving outside for collection. Please place it flat on the ground, not leaning on other objects.)
- Disassembled bicycles and swing sets
- Household furniture (couch, desk, dresser, table, chairs)
- Lawnmowers (gas and oil must be drained)
- Mattresses (Residents in areas served by Republic Services must completely wrap mattresses and box springs in plastic before leaving outside for collection. Please place it flat on the ground, not leaning on other objects.)
- Television shell (all electronic components must be removed prior to pick-up for consideration). Solid waste haulers will not collect televisions with electronic components intact. Citizens should consider recycling unwanted electronics, including TVs, at an electronics recycling site.
- Yard waste (bundled limbs 3 feet in diameter and 3 feet long count as one heavy trash item)
Christmas Tree Disposal:
Marion County residents are encouraged to dispose of real Christmas trees for the 2023-2024 season at one of the city’s drop-off locations from Monday, December 25 until Wednesday, January 31 from dawn until dusk to give the trees new life as mulch.
Tree stands and all ornaments, tinsel, lights, and decorations MUST BE REMOVED before dropping off. The collected trees are mulched into various soil blends by GreenCycle.
Dropping off trees at locations not listed below is considered illegal dumping and is punishable by fines of up to $3,000. Please check the list carefully as included parks can change from year-to-year.
This service is provided for Marion County residents ONLY and is not offered for commercial use.
Drop-off locations for tree disposal are:
- Ellenberger Park | 5301 E. St. Clair Street | Northeast corner by the pool
- Garfield Park | 2432 Conservatory Drive | in front of the MacAllister Amphitheater
- Northwestway Park | 5253 W. 62nd Street | to the left of the entrance
- Perry Park | 451 E. Stop 11 Road | to the left of the Stop 11 main entrance
- Riverside Park | 2420 East Riverside Drive | by the basketball court
- Sahm Park | 6801 E. 91st Street | near the recycling bins
- Riverwood Park | 7201 Crittenden Avenue
Tox drop:
Residents can dispose of unwanted and unused household hazardous waste as well as electronics on Saturdays during ToxDrop events throughout the city. ToxDrop services are only for residents of Marion County and do not accept commercial waste. The regular times and locations are listed below.
Household hazardous waste (HHW) is hazardous waste generated by households that is ignitable, toxic, reactive, corrosive, or otherwise poses a threat to human health or the environment. Careless management of HWW – such as pouring it down the drain, on the ground, into storm sewers, or putting it out with the regular trash – can create significant environmental and public health hazards.
First Saturday of each month, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Traders Point Collection Facility
7550 N. Lafayette Rd.
Second Saturday of each month, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Perry Township Government Center
4925 S. Shelby St.
Third Saturday of each month, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Training Facility
9049 E. 10th St.
For more information on Recycling Info and Drop-off Sites, click here.