LENOIR CITY, Tenn. (WATE) — The unthinkable has happened to a Lenoir City family. The parents of five boys tragically died within a week of each other. Their deaths were unexpected. Now, five boys are without parents and trying to navigate an uncertain future, with the oldest son taking on the responsibility of raising his siblings.
Devin Davis, 23, introduced 6 News to his brothers: 11-year-old Jakeb, 8-year-old Tobias, 5-year-old Preston Noah, and Jasin, who is 20. Their family was forever changed with the sudden loss of their parents. Andy and Jennifer Davis, only 42 years old, died within a week of each other.
Devin was on a business trip with his dad in February when he found him unresponsive.
“I took his pulse, couldn’t find a pulse,” Devin said. “I started doing CPR on him and it just – never happened. We still haven’t got the autopsy back yet. If I had to guess, it would be a heart attack.”
A week after their father died, the siblings lost their mother. Jennifer was hit by a car and killed just a block from home while running after the family’s new dog Rosie who had gotten away. Rosie survived the accident.
“My mom is an animal lover,” Devin said. “I’ve seen her run across that road a million times for chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, it didn’t matter. She was always trying to save animals. If I knew my mom, and I know my mom really good, she was just trying to make sure these boys didn’t lose anything else.”
Their grief is so new and so big, it’s impossible to fathom. Devin is without a road map, going by gut instinct. He rarely sleeps and has taken on the responsibility of running a household, getting his brothers to school, and preparing meals.
The family also cares for two guinea pigs, a hamster and a cat.
Devin has been collecting the things his mom and dad used every day to donate to someone in need. It’s hard for him to admit that he needs help, too.
“It’s one step at time. I’ve got to do whatever I’ve got to do for these boys,” Devin said.
The brothers want the world to know about their parents.
“She would always put on makeup before we went places which made us late,” Jakeb said. “Me and my dad tried to tell her, ‘you don’t need makeup, you’re pretty without makeup, even when you’re not trying to be pretty, you’re always pretty.’ “
“She was a good mom, loving,” said Tobias.
About dad, Jakeb said, “we did so much together, and he was awesome.”
Even in death, Jennifer, an organ donor, saved a lot of lives.
“Her heart was able to go to somebody. Her lungs were able to go to somebody. Both of her kidneys went to two different people, and somebody got her liver. Plus, 75 people with skin grafts,” Devin said.
He hopes to meet those recipients one day.
“I would love to meet, absolutely. Especially the heartbeat,” Devin said, holding back tears. “I would like to hear my mother’s heartbeat again.”
Devin is trying to get legal custody of his brothers. He’s already had one court hearing. Another is coming up in May.
He had to quit the job he had working with his dad, polishing concrete at big box stores, often the two traveled to Florida. He hopes to start work soon with First Utility District.
There is a GoFundMe account that the boys’ mother set up after her husband died. Family encouraged Devin to keep it going, for immediate and long-term expenses which includes counseling for the boys. Click here if you would like to help.