ERIN, Tenn. (WKRN) — A ride malfunctioned at a carnival in downtown Erin Wednesday night, stranding 20 people mid-air. NewsNation affiliate WKRN spoke with multiple riders about the experience.
“I’m trying not to freak out, but I’m stuck in the air right now,” Autumn Baggett narrated in a video.
The video from the terrified riders showed them dangling more than 65 feet in the air on Wednesday, March 12.
“I was the one freaking out. I was crying, I was praying, I was just begging God to literally come down from heaven and to save us because it was literally my worst nightmare,” Baggett explained to News 2.
Baggett, Addison Mathis, and their younger sisters snapped a picture when they boarded the Star Tower Wednesday night. Shortly afterward, the ride malfunctioned, leaving them and more than a dozen others stuck in the air.
“I looked back at Addison and I think that’s whenever we all thought, ‘We’re literally fixing to die.’ I mean, we sat there dangling in the air for over an hour before anyone could tell us anything,” Baggett recalled.
The City of Erin Fire Department said it was notified about the malfunction shortly before 8:45 p.m. However, Erin first responders later determined their 75-foot ladder truck couldn’t reach the riders.
“The firefighters’ ladders would not extend to the height that we needed to reach us, so I was like, ‘Oh this is great. Of course, you know, our small town, like, they’re supposed to be here to help us. What’s going on?'” Baggett told WKRN.
Several agencies were called in to assist, including Montgomery County Fire Service, which reportedly used its 100-foot tower truck to rescue 19 riders and one carnival worker.
At the time, Mathis and Baggett were separated from their younger sisters.
“It was hard, especially because I didn’t want to get down first because I didn’t want to leave her up there, so that was harder, and that was probably the moment that I was actually the [most scared],” Mathis described.
“I couldn’t hold her hand. I could talk to her, but I’m just so proud of her for staying calm,” Baggett added.
Over three hours later, the girls said they were overwhelmed with emotions once they were all safely back on the ground.
“I just personally hope that everyone learns from this and that people just keep in the back of their mind that we never know what’s going to happen, we never know when our last day is going to be, so make every moment count, but don’t ride a big ride 85 feet in the air,” Baggett said.
According to a report shared by the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, no “objectionable” items were noted during the inspection on Monday, March 10, although there was a recommendation to evaluate the main lift cable.
Officials said a third-party is now conducting a post-incident inspection. If the device passes, the state will tell the company it may resume operating the device. The ride has been taken out of service, according to the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
There were no reports of injuries from Wednesday night’s incident.
WKRN reached out to Casey’s Rides, Inc., the owner of the ride in question, about the malfunction, but we have yet to hear back.
Meanwhile, due to concerns about the impending weather forecast, Erin city officials announced that all events for the Irish Celebration on Saturday, March 15 would be postponed. If you want to see the events schedule or the list of road closures, click here.