DENVER (KDVR) — The city of Denver said it is dealing with a new surge of migrants from the U.S. southern border.
The city has now served and sheltered more than 20,000 migrants since December, hundreds of them bused in from Texas just this past weekend.
The city confirmed to NewsNation affiliate KDVR on Wednesday that an average of 200 migrants had been arriving in town per day. Just two days later, that daily average has shot up, and it’s taking a toll on the city’s ability to care for these folks.
“We’re seeing a significant influx of migrant guests into Denver,” Jon Ewing, with Denver Human Services, said.
The average number of migrants arriving in Denver was 200 a day.
“Now we’re getting closer to 240 people, per day, arriving in Denver,” Ewing said.
Migrant arrivals strain Denver resources, city says
There is no plan from Washington to fund services for these folks when they arrive, Ewing said, putting that task on the cities where they land.
“It’s very difficult, it’s very challenging,” Ewing said. “We are strained, in some cases, in resources.”
It’s been an ongoing mission for the city of Denver, which has welcomed these folks since they started getting bused here, en masse, in December.
“Sheltering, feeding, supporting, medical care,” Ewing said.
Mayor Mike Johnston said the city is getting dangerously close to maxing out the local budget.
“We’re at a little more than $25 million spent,” Ewing said.
Since December, the city reports that 20,000 migrants have been supported and sheltered.
The Texas governor said he has sent 1,500 migrants to Denver since May 18. The city said an additional 600 migrants arrived over the weekend.
The city’s plan has been to give these folks a place to land and help them get established.
“If you’re an individual, we can give you 21 days here,” Ewing said. “We can give you 30 days if you’re a family.”
There’s a way you can help: With the cold season, warm clothes are always in demand, but you can also take a job with the city. These are part-time jobs available now paying $25 an hour to start.
“If you want a job and you want to come work with us and come work in the shelter and help us out, help us process some people,” Ewing said, “we’d love to have you.”